Sheridan and Lauren are getting ready for a serious game of Disney Matching! When Lauren was little, I had to really pay attention or she would beat me! Sheridan is the same way! One of her friends gave her this game for her birthday and a day doesn't go by without her asking to play! On this particular day both Lauren and Sheridan have French braids! I love it!
This is another birthday present! We work on it every week or so and hope to finish it by the end of summer. It takes a lot of hand/eye coordination...but she is getting it!
We've had so much rain this year my hydrangeas are beautiful. Thanks dad for the transplants several years ago!
I couldn't resist getting my camera out to capture this beautiful spider web. Can you see it? (Click on the picture for a bigger image) I check out the garden in the early morning and this was waiting for me. How do they do it?
And how did God think of those little curly 'arms' that the cucumbers attach to things with?
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