Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thanksgiving, 8th grade style

Every year our 8th grade Career teacher hosts an 8th grade Thanksgiving feast. Because our church is located across the street from the schools, we have hosted the 8th grade for a couple of years. On Friday, Richard and I offered to help. It takes every parent bringing an assigned dish and you just hope you have enough! There are about 280 8th graders in our town. Really, it takes a bunch of planning and parents to pull this off. It was fun!

Personally, it is one of my favorite things to see my church building used for things other than church services. It's another reason I LOVE living in a small town.

Our kids think it's Richard's goal to embarrass them at every event! That's not true, but He does a great job showing FAMILY LOVE is BIG with us, even in public.

Lauren and her buds!

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