Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Get to the Manger"

I grew up singing in church choirs. Some of my most favorite memories of my childhood are singing in childrens' musicals. This year was my 5th time to lead our children's choir and it never gets old. OK, about a week before when kids are out sick and the music doesn't sound very good...I typically question my sanity. I digress.

This year was Sheridan's first year in the choir. Along with 6 other first graders and 26 other children from 1st to 6th grade we put together 8 songs and a whole lot of drama. We also had 4 teenagers helping with the drama and a "Mr Bucksley," the manager of the Moola Moola Shopping Mall.

My prayer is that the children "got" the message of Emmanuel. God is with us, and Jesus' birth is the answer to our entire sin problem.

What sweet words are said by children when they're in they're taking part in true praise. The most precious thing (and the biggest blessing for me) that happened this semester is when a child volunteered to pray after one of our practices. I usually give a few tips like, "Who would like to pray and thank God for letting us sing to Him and help us have a safe trip home." However, on this night, I didn't preface the prayer and the boy wanted to do it himself. I was choking back tears when I heard him thank God for baby Jesus, a church to come to, and all the friends he had that were singing. This 8-year-old boy is a foster child living with one of the families in our church. I later found out that he has NEVER had any Christmas: no presents, no tree, nothing. I pray his heart is affected forever by his stay in our church family and I'm so humbled to have a little part in it.

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