Monday, April 5, 2010

Flowers make me HAPPY

I love to fill my pots and flower boxes! I waited until after spring break to plant as sometimes things can die without attention during a long week, especially if it turns out to be hot. I shopped around town (I like to buy here) but the flower selections were less than inspiring.

Richard drove me to Conway on's one of my absolute favorite days as I get a whole bunch of Quality Time and all his attention!! There's a great nursery there and since I had to make a stop in Morrilton for the business, I thought we could drive a little further and find some flowers for the house.

The Plant Outlet (west) on Hogan Road is flower heaven. I mean, God is so creative and when you see a WHOLE bunch of His work, you can't help but notice!

I loved it! Richard didn't flinch when I went to filling up a shopping cart. It was beautiful and I was inspired. I didn't need much to make me happy...just enough to help make our house welcoming from the outside.

Counting my blessings...


Kayren said...

Those dangly red things are cool. I've never seen those.

We can't do flowers yet. It's still too cold. We have buds on the trees (they've been there for a little over a week) that should be turning into green and red leaves soon (we have some red leaves in the spring). I saw my first daffodils this morning on the way to the airport. I don't know if the airport planted them or they bloomed, because I haven't seen any anywhere else, or any tulips which are usually out first. I saw my first forsythia bushes there too. We're going to mow for the first time this week just to snip the dead stuff off the top. It's all smushed from the snow and needs a little help for the green to peek through.

The ice only melted off the water surfaces about four weeks ago, give or take a week. But it's warmer than it was last year in June already.

Mrs. Hughes said...

You bought all my favorites! :) I'm jealous.... our nurseries are still full of pansies! Maybe soon... :)

I love day-long dates, too!