Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

This has been the LONGEST Mother's Day ever! It's going to end up being 29 hours as we crossed a couple time zones today! My head is a little dizzy now but Richard says we need to stay up a little bit longer so we won't wake up at 4:00am. I thought I'd post a little, but I keep typing the wrong letters...

The flight was so LONG (finished the book I was reading, watched 2 movies, ate lunch and dinner, and took 2 short naps) and it was such a thrill to look out the window and see land!

We drove around part of Oahu today, saw so many beautiful flowers, birds, buildings, clouds, was awesome.

We also met with LOVELY Rhea Lana leaders from Honolulu. We talked for over 2 hours about checking in folks at their event and answered questions they wanted to know about the sale. I love this job!

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