I can't tell you how much I loved reading this book. It was inspiring in a hundred different ways and it had nothing to do with how much I like to sing or serving in the church. It has everything to do with our hearts...constantly staying in a state of hunger for our Lord.
It ran perfectly with our Bible Study this week...danger #3 in growing up in a Christian home is loving the world. God gave me an annalogy to this whole issue and I shared that it's like going to Red Lobster and filling up on those biscuits and not being hungry for the real meal. They got that, and so did I. Poison is not necessarily the thing that is going to get us "church kids" it's "nibbling at the table of the world" and filling ourselves so we're not hungry for Him. I think you can see how far this analogy could go. It's a visual for me.
Matt Redman wonderfully describes a worshipper who is UNDONE, UNDIGNIFIED, UNPREDICATABLE, UNVEILED, UNSTOPPABLE, UNNOTICED, UNDIVIDED, UNSATISFIED AND UNENDING. Not just good alliteration but deep, rich words that describe the worshippers God has recorded in His word and those who are our heroes of the faith.
When I read this book I was convicted of my luke warm attitudes but I was also challenged to be characterized by these UN-words. If you want a good read...pick it up. It's a small book, can fit in your purse and it has life-changing capabilities.
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