Sunday, July 1, 2012

VBS- EVERYTHING is possible with God

There has never been a more true statement we could see in the life of our church than this one as applies to Vacation Bible School. For the first time in the last 15 years we did not have Becky to lead and guide us. We are so blessed that she trained us well and VBS was filled with workers and record numbers of children. Everyone stepped up and took care of things we needed to have done. Students rolled out and were responsible, adults volunteered for lots of things that were out of their comfort zones, and many various folks in our church came out and did whatever needed to be done before, during and after the week. God was there. The songs were sung and scriptures learned. The vans and busses were full of children. The weather was extremely hot and yet there was a breeze most days and shade for the kids. 18 children made decisions about their relationships with Christ. 349 children came through our doors this week, 147 workers helped pull it all together.

Everything is possible with God.
Trust Him.
To God be the glory, great things He has done.

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