Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The less you try...the more tomoatoes you get?

Seriously, if you are a master gardener...this will make you sick! We have all but abandoned our garden this year. When I broke my foot...we just stopped going out and picking the tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers from our garden. We just forgot about them!

Richard harvested okra at least 4 times, because he wanted them. But other than that, we have let weeds grow as tall as the fence keeping the dogs out! It's embarrassing!

And today...I notice there is a huge splash of red over there...and it's tomatoes. Beautiful ripe tomatoes. If I had been trying, the bugs and birds would've gotten them. Who knew?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Here's proof

Here's proof that I can morph healthy, beautiful vegetables into something not so good for me!


Zucchini bread!
It has a slightly crunchy sugary crust that is soooo yummy!

Now, how can I make the cucumbers sweet?