Saturday, January 5, 2008

Laundry low down!

Wet towels are heavier than wet whites.
Wet jeans are heavier than wet girls' clothes.
Everything is wet when your dryer doesn't work!

Two days before Christmas our dryer made an unusual groan when I pushed the start button. It refused to turn over and has been out ever since. We were leaving for a 5 day family Christmas celebration so we didn't even bother to call the repairman, who shouldn't have to come to Mockingbird Lane over the holidays!

We are blessed to have the most generous and kind neighbors who have shared their awesome dryer with me! I dried at least 4 loads on Dec 23. It's impossible to leave town without clean clothes!..we're talking family Christmas pictures that will outlive us!

Over the break my think-ahead husband called to have the repairman come when we returned home. Oh my, the earliest possible appointment is January 8! That's a lot of dirty socks! And aren't we blessed to have been through about 4 different weather patterns in the last week! That's a lot of clothes changes!

I've been back to the neighbor's house twice with about 4 loads each time. Thank you Norris family for so graciously sharing your dryer with me this week. I've committed to look for someone to share this exact thing with sometime during 2008. I won't take my washer and dryer for granted again.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

No time for a bubble bath today... 2 days until our cruise...

1 comment:

Mrs. Hughes said...

I love what you said about not taking the washer/dryer for granted---it is definitely a LUXURY not all are afforded. I have been reminded of that teaching in an inner-city school where my kiddos come to school with soiled clothes--not because their families don't love and care for them but because they don't have transportation or a washer/dryer. Great reminder from this post!

Also, a few weeks ago we thought our dryer was going out... but thank goodness it was just a little hiccup!