Monday, February 4, 2008


Today was a definite bubble bath day! Not that I even have bubble bath, but the hot water at 4:30 this evening helped unwind my day!


By 9:30 this morning I had cleaned up an entire bladder's worth of pee from the school bathroom floor, and I couldn't even figure out who's bladder it was from! My craft projects went to pot. The copy machine was on the fritz and I couldn't copy my Bible story as planned. I had to take time out to change two pull ups, after both children had used the potty. I couldn't keep the kids in their chairs to play a game. The kids couldn't match simple numbers or remember what numbers were! One of my sweeties pooped in his pants and didn't tell! I had to determine the source of the smell by following it to his britches! One of my 3 year olds told me to "shut up," twice! AND, my new boy informed me he WASN'T taking a nap at school. After school I had to run two important errands, one involved waiting in line at the post office!

The best part of the evening was that I had chili leftovers from lunch yesterday and cheese dip...a meal in itself. ALSO Erin's school musical was tonight so at least I was able to unwind while listening to 5th graders renditions of Hannah Montana and HSM!

This morning I had read...
"Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed"
Really, I tried!

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