This will only be important to me, but I feel the need to post it. This falls under the same category as changing the brand of hairspray you use after 20 years. Or going to someone new to cut and color your hair. Or finally giving up something in your closet that you haven't worn in several years and you finally admit you'll never wear it again. Or publicly announcing that you now eat guacamole, although you swore you wouldn't ever touch it intentionally. This is important like that.
I am officially changing my favorite food from chips and salsa to peanut butter.
I want to be clear, I am not giving up salsa or boycotting salsa, I love salsa. I like to make my own salsa. It's so easy, but for those who haven't tried they think it's so hard! I've made salsa for presents before! I love to eat fresh, spicy, cold salsa. I've never had hot salsa that tasted good. I like to put salsa on anything that might be considered Mexican food. And a good chip makes the salsa even better. I like blue corn chips (we don't have those very often) and I like warm chips. I don't like as much salt as Richard does on chips. If I'm eating at Chili's I have to have some of their fresh salsa. They'll even bring you more chips if you need them. They have thin warm chips too. OK, but I don't have good salsa on hand every day. That is the bottom line on the ranking change.
Peanut butter is always available! I love it in a spoon. I love it on the moon. I love it in a chair. I love it everywhere. I love it on bananas (when I'm eating healthy). I love peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwiches (especially when you toast the bread). I'm not talking about the peanut butter you buy at the health store that you have to stir before you eat. I remember my mom buying that on a health kick when I was in 6th grade or so! That was a disappointing peanut butter day!
I love peanut butter with vanilla wafers and in ice cream shakes. I really like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! I like the M&Ms with peanut butter in them! And did you know peanut butter sandwiches are best when eaten outside? Crazy to you. Comforting to me. No clean up, no mess, peanut butter is the best. Crunchy or creamy?...I'm not sure it matters!
It's Wednesday. That's all I can say.
It's a bubble bath day...
I seriously laughed out loud at your Dr. Seussness! I don't think we ate peanut butter that often growing up, but I'm a HUGE fan of it now that I'm a mom. Has there ever been an easier food for kids? Although, I do have to confess that my kids have eaten more than their fair share of natural peanut butter and natural almond butter. I don't think poor Titus had ever had the good stuff before we moved to Arkansas when he was three. That's almost all they get now, though. I've relaxed...well, that's probably debatable. :)
You're hilarious!
I now know that there is NO doubt we are related! I love peanut butter on a spoon, on the moon, etc., etc., etc... So do my kids. We have a picture of Ben when he was about two sitting in the kitchen floor with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon he got out all by himself. My poor hubby can't eat it anymore, or anything with peanut butter in it, because of his gout.
I am publicly admitting that I will NEVER eat guacomole, but I am also publicly admitting that I now eat and love pumpkin pie, although I still eat one thing at a time and don't let my foods touch, but we won't go there publicly...
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