Friday, April 11, 2008

Busy week and a new discovery!

This week has gone by so fast. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we studied gardening in Preschool. It was a quick week because there is a lot to share about how God makes things grow. I mean who makes the water and the sunlight that seeds need? Who could deny God's creativeness with all the wonderful flowers and foods to eat? Really, kids are a sponge for God's truths.

Ryan had a doctor's appointment Thursday morning, a two week check up since damaging the growth plate in his foot. Since his first doctor's appointment I have gotten a report from my insurance company with the amount it cost us for our first appointment that incidentally lasted only 15 minutes. The amount floored me, to say the least. Richard is currently doing paperwork to get some additional school insurance. I have called the office for some clarification and although I now understand more about their billing system, I was having some negative thoughts about the visit.

We were called back at our appointment time of 10:30 and a nurse took Ryan to have x-rays of his foot. And then we sat. And waited. And waited...God knowingly had me teaching Sheridan the fruit of the Spirit, because it's hard to complain and be impatient when your 4 year old reminds you love, joy and patience are fruit.

And we waited...During this time Ryan was such a sweetie with Sheridan! They did every activity page in her coloring book, he had fake phone conversations on her fake cell phone, and he let her sit up on the doctor's table with him. But all that couldn't keep a 4 year old from getting a bit bored and whiny in the small room. All three of us even took a bathroom break!

And we waited...At one point I was snuggling Sheridan like a baby and rocking her in my arms. I'm sure we were having a stimulating conversation...but she suddenly she made a discovery and declared: "Mommy, you have hair in your nose!" OK, Ryan and I laughed so hard I almost dropped her. I explained we all have hair in our noses.

"Why?" To keep things in, of course. I'm convinced this was a bit of humor from God to help with our wait.

And we wait...sometime later, she calls our neighbor on her phone and asks if he has hair in his nose! OH, thank you Lord for reminders of your presence in the everyday life situations we all face.

The doctor came in at 11:40. Our appointment lasted 5 minutes and we have to go back in two more weeks! Uggg!

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.
Philippians 3:14-15

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22,23a, 25

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