Tuesday, May 13, 2008


There was a funeral today at our church for a three year old boy. He contracted staff infection in his blood. As I understand it, he was picked up from his child care with a fever last Friday, diagnosed with double ear infections, slept through most of the weekend, and Monday was rushed to the hospital. He died on Thursday.

His parents had the stage decorated with his toys and balloons and had chosen to celebrate his life instead of question his loss. I'm sure they'll do that too, but for today they seemed to look to God for perspective. How else can parents hug each and every guest at a funeral for their son? How else can they tell all family members to not wear black? How else could they have done these things without God? The pastor preached a "salvation message" and I can only pray that his loss of life has led to the salvation of another.

At this moment in my life, I can't imagine a more tragic thing than to lose one of my children. I prayed today that I will be "like a tree family rooted" in God's constant love and authority that I could chose to honor Him in the darkness of tragedy. It certainly has made me think!

May God give this family the "peace that passes ALL understanding."

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