Erin was clipping some ivy growing through the side fence after jumping on the trampoline!
Richard and Ryan were playing with the dogs, pulling weeds in our garden and then making plans to uncover the pool and replace the liner. I think Richard was threatening Ryan with the clippers at this particular moment!
Lauren was mowing. Incidentally, I loved to mow when I was a kid, it was as close to driving as I could get until I was about 15!
Sheridan was washing the back windows!
Give a kid a squirt bottle...
I was cooking our dinner on the grill! Yum!
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!
I am so thrilled that you started this blog and are so faithful to write posts. It really helps me feel connected you guys even though I'm not in town! I so thankful.
I think you do an unbelievable job keeping the blog up-dated every day.
Love Ya'
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