I picked up reading Christian fiction about 7 years ago. We were going through a terrible time with a business failing and besides juggling the store, church obligations, sending my kids to public school for the first time (!), taking care of 3 year old Erin, taking a part time afternoon job to help with income...we were stressed out. ALL THAT TO SAY, I was having trouble getting to sleep at night (so many things on my mind) and I picked up a book my mom was reading...I haven't stopped since! Oh yes, and it is a free hobby if you have a library nearby!
I love family, I love purity,and I love a good romance. I'm all about a Cinderella story. LORI WICK books are all so good for this. She writes a lot of period books, and they were what I started on. Many are quick reads (250 pages) and have good story lines. She also has some wonderful contemporary books like Sophie's Heart, Pretense, and Bamboo and Lace.
My favorite book is

When I started to look for something different I ran across a book on display at my local Wal Mart that looked interesting. WOW, I was on to something. The book had just been published and I like to think of myself as one of DEE HENDERSON's first BIG FANS. I could not get enough!

She has another series (4 books) that are also suspense about the military and the first one is TRUE DEVOTION. These books were really eye-opening about Navy Seals and war time. I liked them and I have NO military background. After she became very famous the book publishers went back to her earlier writings and published God's Gift and The Marriage Wish. These are good, but I can't say enough about the O'Malley series.
Another suspense (more mystery) writer I like is TERRI BLACKSTOCK. This summer (this week) I'm re-reading her SUN CHRONICLES SERIES and I'll probably read the NEWPORT 911 series. She is a former secular writer who gave her heart to the Lord and started writing really great Christian fiction. One of my favorite parts of her book is her comment pages in the back of the book. She reveals her heart about the book and a challenging Biblical principle she learned while writing the book. She seems like a very real person with a heart for Him. Personally, I didn't care for her latest series, I think it is called Last Light. It was a little freaky to me.
KRISTIN HEITZMANN gets very little publicity but I haven't read a book of hers I didn't like. Her books are a little historical fiction/romance/suspense. The HONOR SERIES is 4 books long and easy read. Great strong female characters make her books great for us ladies!

KAREN KINGSBURY books are HOT right now! I haven't read all of her books because they are all contemporary and honestly, I can't handle the real emotional struggles of some of her characters and conflicts. HOWEVER, I do love and HIGHLY RECOMMEND some of her books.

I would also HIGHLY RECOMMEND from Karen:
LIKE DANDELION DUST (this is being made into a movie for late 2008)
LYNN MORRIS/GILBERT MORRIS - DR CHENEY SERIES, (historical fiction, so good!)


That should be enough to read for this summer, if you haven't read much before! I have other books that are good, but these are at the top of my list. Please leave me a word if you have some other suggestions...I'M ALWAYS LOOKING FOR A NEW AUTHOR TO LOVE!
Thank you Jane who fed my habit over the years by sharing your books with me!
TWO OTHER THINGS I SIMPLY MUST ADD...(for those of you who made it to the bottom of this post):
**At different times during the last few years I have slipped into craving a fiction read. I mean, I would get up in the morning and couldn't wait to get back to my story. Well, it's not good to be so thirsty for fiction and not thirsty for the WORD. I wouldn't encourage anyone to get so into reading that they forget that they must MINE TRUTHS from THE SOURCE. Reading is simply entertainment that needs to stay in it's place.
**Also, and I wouldn't be writing this if I didn't really mean it...don't read a lot of romance if your own romance is floundering. Heroes and Heroines all have the perfect words and unbelievable brilliantness in all situations. Hello! They've been edited and re-edited! If you ever start to compare characters to people in your life, you need to back off the heroes and seek some good counsel from THE HERO.
You are awesome. I also love to read, and I enjoyed reading your recommendations. I read some of the same authors. I have enjoyed keeping up with you on your blog. It only makes me wish you guys lived up here in Naperville/Chicago area.
You must be a SPEED reader! I'm proud of myself if I read one fiction book a year. I'm typically more of a Christian Self-help reader. I guess that means I need a lot of help!!!
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