I can't believe how fast the school year flew by! WOW! The pool feels great!
This picture is from last Monday, Memorial Day...and we've been in it every day since. This was our first day swimming, the liner isn't even secured. Richard did it while they were swimming! We couldn't wait!
This week the girls are attending a free workshop offered by the County Extension office entitled BABYSITTING BASICS. OK, I wasn't optimistic that Lauren would want to be inside from 9:30-3:00 for two days. I was wrong! The report was good when I picked her up today. I'm so glad we got in on a good activity for them! Erin's friends were going I knew she'd have fun, no matter what!
This weekend we are having a garage sale. Oh how I wish we could sell everything in our garage and be free from the clutter! Really, I'm good at sorting and purging...and you would never know it by looking at our garage! Hopefully, we'll have less that we don't need and some money for summer camp by Saturday afternoon. That's our goal.
I'm also thinking of tackling painting the garage this summer. I like to paint, I'm just not sure I can handle the heat. If I do, I'll post before and after pictures....there's something accountable about writing a goal down!
This month, our biggest goal is to sign a temporary lease in a great location for our sale in August. I've got lots of people e-mailing me about the sale. Several ladies have requested my cards to hand out...I'm excited about what's in store for our event...we just need a location! My prayer is that the right one will be available when we want it. I'm not a worrier by nature...and I know God is always working ahead of me for my good. He will close the doors (literally) of where I don't need to be if I continue to let Him guide me. I've had a lot of failures in this area over the years. I am a "doer" and I move quicker than I should.

Lord, teach me to pray. Now that's a good goal.
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