Friday, May 1, 2009

Family Reading Day

Ryan's Pre-AP English class decided to host a Family Reading Day at their school. Complete with ice cream and chocolate cake, the students invited someone in their family (little brothers and sisters) to come read or do book talks (old fashioned book reports) to their class.

(the little girl in blue wasn't a reader, she just walked up and got in the picture!)

Sheridan is reading so well now...she read a Biscuit book to the class. Anna Grace, from her Kindergarten class, was a guest too.

Just a note:
She wasn't shy on this day...makes me wonder if it's selective shyness. I think reading to Junior High students, some parents, and her principal (who came over for the reading) is a big deal. Hmmm.

The Biscuit book came out again when Grandma and Grandpa came over for the weekend! Good job Sheridan!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I loved everything about this post! You have such a precious family, Jennifer!