Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Freshman year fun

As I understand it: The Junior High Student Council announced there would be a teacher/student dance competition fund raiser. The duos would learn 9 dances and then have a freestyle section. Each of these last about 30 seconds. Students were responsible for asking teachers. Yeah right.

However, I would've been wrong to assume this wouldn't be a HUGE HIT! Lauren asked her Algebra teacher who is also the Junior High football coach and our family friend to dance with her. She thought it would be fun and knew he would get a kick out of it. He agreed (I didn't hear about this until much later) The coach then challenged his football players to ask the female teachers to be their partners. Seriously, to dance with one of your teachers, in front of the school?? They did it! There had to be about 16 duos! Some were dressed up and some just dressed alike. I'm pretty sure most all of them had practiced too!

Yesterday morning Lauren confided that not only had she and coach not practiced at all, but they were going to bail out. ... Sometime between dropping her off from school and about 8:30 they were back in the competition! And although they both put a lot on the line in the way of embarrassment or ridicule...they helped each other conquer their fears and they put on a show that was HILARIOUS.

They dressed as rappers in #1 football jerseys with clock "bling" and adopted rapper names. They "tattooed" their arms with Expo markers and wore baseball caps and shades. Lauren was QUICK to point out that her "tattoo" said "MOM," because she knew I wouldn't like that aspect.

I laughed so hard for the entire time they were out there. Would I have done it? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I would've never put myself out there for the fear of being humiliated...and Lauren is a lot like me in this. I have never been so happy that she conquered her pride and made a memory that she will have forever!

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