Monday, November 23, 2009

Fun for Me

I've had some fun the past two weeks helping a friend who has opened a children's boutique in town. She has great taste and a good location...and she doesn't like doing windows!

I DO! It is a great relationship for me where she lets me come and go and do her displays! I love it! I get to flex my creativity muscle and she gets a job done she doesn't really like! This weekend I decorated for the town's Christmas Open House for her. Erin and Lauren came and helped me get all the details sorted tying fishing line to 32 silver balls...and handing them to me as I hung them! I was thankful for their help and it saved me a lot of time.

Sam told me her open house was a big hit and I was thankful I got to have a little part in it. I told her today it was a great thing for me too, to be able to help her and do something I think is fun!

I can't remember the first time I decorated a window display. I'm pretty sure it was at our children's store because as I was undressing the mannequins I always feared a kid I knew would see me with a naked boy or girl! I couldn't wait on people or write tickets so I think my mom let me do it to keep me busy. I'm also sure she "tweaked" everything as soon as I was gone!

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