Wednesday, March 10, 2010

4th time around

We set up our event in the cleanest 10,000 sq feet in Russellville on a Friday. By Saturday afternoon the store was over halfway filled. By Sunday night our toys must've had babies because we were FULL with Fisher Price! On Monday we opened the doors to the first shoppers at 3:00. Volunteers, consignors, Moms-to-be and guests rounded out a wonderful Pre Sale event! For a funny story check out my post on our company blog.

Our corporate sponsor...provided shopping totes for our first 500 shoppers!

I'm so thankful to be finished. It's a lot of HARD WORK! However, handing out great checks to my consignors, checking out happy shoppers, and finishing the entire event with nice weather and compliments is awesome!

Thank you DAD who stayed the entire week and did so many random things I couldn't even list! Thank you MOM for working so hard (on your feet) for 3 days...including being the door keeper on Pre Sale night. Thank you Richard for being there whenever my brain just couldn't make any more decisions and for your many extra trips back and forth down I-40 bringing all the things from our house! I couldn't have done it without you all watching my back.


Mrs. Hughes said...

woohoo!!! GO, GIRL!!!!

Unknown said...

Jennifer, I am so glad you had another successful sale! Sorry I missed it completely this year, but we do have some great ones down this way too! Still not the same, but I guess it will do! : )