Friday, April 16, 2010


Seriously, when I left town early MONDAY morning the biggest problem in my house was that the ants were driving me crazy! I had already reconciled with the fact that our outside spicket/pipe had burst and not only flooded our bathroom but our kitchen too. The insurance adjuster arrived right before I left and I was OK because Richard was OK.

I wasn't expecting the floor to be torn up with high powered fans and de-humidifiers running!

It does make sense that there were SO MANY ANTS because they were probably coming in by boat. Those guys are so PERSISTENT. ...

I arrived back TUESDAY just in time to pick up Sheridan from school. (more on my fantastic two days away later) Richard tells me were getting new flooring for our kitchen and both bathrooms. I'll need to pick it out by Thursday. Evidentally wood and water don't mix...there goes my one year old laminate. No problem.

Have I mentioned that we had both bathrooms re-floored TWICE (in the last 90 days) before we realized it was the outside pipe that burst and not just a tub or toilet leak? The floor guys and I are on a first name basis.

WEDNESDAY morning: Bible Study, meet furniture guys with new beds for the girls room (the final pieces of their Christmas room makeover), re-fill cabinets and fridge with food, substitute for one half day at the middle school, children's choir at church.

THURSDAY: spend 3 and half hours looking for flooring. Find something perfect. Family meal night: spaghetti, roasted zucchini & Parmesan garlic bread. Watch and cheer for my friend on Wheel of Fortune. She did awesome and we were INTO it!

Today, FRIDAY: Floor guys arrive at 8:30. Seriously, I had to do some personal laundry. And make sure my personal laundry wasn't hanging in the laundry room. It's amazing some of the things you can pack away in the laundry room.

By 9:30 I am a wreck...the fridge is in the living room as well as ALL the furniture from the kitchen and dining room. When they pull my stove out it is disgusting as I ccould see everything that has ever run down the side of it. I can also see the floor under the dishwasher. Ug! I'm getting claustrophobic and it's 10AM before we can disconnect all the wires for our computer and get it and the desk moved to the back of the house. PRIORITIES, get me some internet!! The wires are hooked up but won't work. Suddenlink guy will be here sometime after 2:00. I leave for an hour and come back with a new pair of sandals.

11:30AM : Lunch with Sheridan, Hamburgers for Richard and I (think comfort food), the flooring looks great but wait...we can't step on it until Sunday morning.

They will grout it on Monday morning.
They did leave my washer and dryer available, I just have to take my laundry outside and through the garage and around the 2 doors to that room.
I am thankful, I tell you, I am thankful. (just a little out of sorts)

Tonight: Erin is at the district track meet one hour away, Ryan plays a baseball double header 35 minutes away and Lauren has her final home soccer game here. I choose soccer for $250.

Tomorrow: my son's first prom.

Busy, busy week.
Lord, help me keep my eyes on You.

1 comment:

mwatkins said...

You are hilarious! Handling it with grace and humor...I love it. I can't wait to see your new floor. I'm sure it will look amazing.