Thursday, July 8, 2010

Family Fourth

This is one of the many hugs our kids received as they arrived home from a great week at camp.
I was so glad to be the receipient of such hugs too. It's good to have all of us under one roof again.

We've been to two swim team practices, one baseball practice, had a friend over for 24 hours, and Sheridan went to family swim night at the city pool. Richard has been catching up on a week's worth of mail and preparing to teach this weekend, we had the Bible Study group over on Tuesday, and I announced my fall sale dates yesterday which has brought in about 40 emails today that needed to be answered. Tonight we have a ball game and another swim practice. Tomorrow, swim meet in the evening out of town. I love this family, and I promised to be thankful.

Highlight of the week:
Sunday we celebrated the 4th by hosting a community-wide fireworks presentation right by our church. Our city hasn't had one in many years so people really rolled out for the festivities. We gave away sno cones, bottled water and popcorn. Our family worked the ever-popular sno cone booth. We made right around 675! That's a lot of ice and syrup! The line was long but happy, and so were we.

I love this about our town: Lawn chairs, fireworks, and friendly faces.

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