We had this picture taken for an article on a web site in Tulsa about our new sale. We haven't had a family pic in awhile and so I'm especially excited for this fun photo. Everyone in the family has been helping with sale things around the house. And we're all getting psyched up for our local event...in 11 days!!
I want to blog. I do. But I'm too tired to be clear minded. My mind is in "sale mode." This means if I wake up at any time during the night it's almost impossible to go back to sleep because of the details of my event floating around my head. I have so many lists, of so many details, and my desk is a mess. I LOVE MY JOB! But right now, I'm really cluttered in the brain.
Because we are opening in Broken Arrow next month we are headed there tomorrow with two of my teens to hand out around 6000 brochures. I've also got a new phone friend who I'm going to meet and pick her brain about BA moms. I'm excited, but not nearly ready to go.
Today I took the day off and took Sheridan and a friend, and Lauren and a friend to the Alma waterpark. I have had the whole family working every extra minute getting clothes hung and tagged here at home for the last two weeks. I have an awesome family, and it was time to take them out of the house for some fun. Erin went yesterday with a friend to the waterpark, and Ryan had football today, so they weren't left out, just opted for something different today.
8 days until school starts. 9 days until we move in to our location. Before then: 2 day trip to Broken Arrow, Soccer tournament Saturday and Sunday in LR, football practices, volleyball practices and four open houses.
LOVE the picture! :-)
6 of my favorite people all in one picture. Love it.
Thinking about and praying for you as you get everything accomplished
love you
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