Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday night

Since last Saturday night:

Sunday, 1:15am - ER visit with Ryan
Sunday: Morning Worship at Church

Monday: 1st Doctor Appointment for Ryan
Weight Watchers meeting

Tuesday: Substitute at Middle School

Wednesday: Drive to Russellville in the morning
Go to library
Doctor Appointment with Ryan
Physical Therapy appointment with Ryan
Visit new baby in hospital
Thursday: Work at Simply Sam, children's store
Take Lauren to soccer practice in Russellville

Friday: Work at Simply Sam
Sr Night at Football game (where it rained and we didn't have umbrellas)

Saturday: Sheridan's soccer game (she scored twice!)
Work at Simply Sam
60th Anniversary Dinner for friends at church
8:41pm: Right now Sheridan and I are snuggled on my bed watching the food channel. The girls are watching a movie at the neighbors' house. Ryan and Richard are watching football in the front of the house.

This is the week the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be GLAD in it.

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

You forgot to mention that you also got a visit from an old friend on Friday!

PS: Have you looked at the blog yet?