Monday, August 15, 2011

Broken Arrow: take 3

Move in Friday (BA). Wedding Saturday (home). Check In Sunday and Monday (back to BA). PreSale Tuesday. Open Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday night Half Price PreSale. Friday and Saturday Half Price Days. Saturday afternoon sort. Sunday afternoon Pick Up and Move Out. I stayed in a nicer motel than the last three times (Richard negotiated my 7 night stay) and I found a place that makes GREAT smoothies. I also enjoyed my one dinner out at Steak N Shake(drive through of course)...they make the best burgers!!

This sale: 3000 more items than last season. Lots of shoppers, but never enough. I hosted two new franchise owners from Minnesota for the entire week, and my dear friend Ashlea. For the first time in BA I never worried about having enough help! I made new friends, had lots of happy shoppers, and made progress in a town where there is a consignment store on every corner.

I love my job. I love Broken Arrow. However, I missed my husband, my kids and my bed.

Next event: Rhea Lana's of Russellville in 4 weeks.

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