Friday, January 13, 2012


Our family isn't one for dressing up much...I don't mean fancy, I mean costumes. BUT, it seems every homecoming/spirit week my kids get the urge to dress up. Sometimes they decide about 10:00pm the night before.  Last week, Ryan and Lauren worked together for Twin Day and Dream Job Day.

When they told me about twin day, I thought that was so "cute" they would dress up in our family summer t-shirts, or in red shirts, or whatever. What I didn't know was...they decided to dress like thugs. I think they said "rappers" but really...they looked like thugs to me.

Now, I was more impressed on Dream Job Day that instead of dressing like Professional Football Players they choose FBI agents. They accessorized with a briefcase, walkie talkies and shades. And some day, if Ryan realizes this dream job, I'll probably have to take this picture off the world wide web.

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