Friday, March 23, 2012


My dear friend Becky gave me this book last month and I started it while we were on our Spring Break trip. I LOVED every word of this true story told by Katie Davis, a 21 year old who lives in Uganda and has a tremendous story of faith to tell. She has found the very thing God made her for. She has  "given up" the American life for what anyone would call extreme difficulty and opressive poverty. However, she calls her life incredibly blessed and a tribute to God's wonderful grace. Her words are inspiring and her life is like a Bible story where God uses the ordinary in a crazy way, to follow Him and live out His plan.

I am so impressed with her life and also am personally challenged to live out God's command to LOVE. Simply LOVE. It was great timing to read it on our mission trip as I was challenged by the words: "There really shouldn't be any thing called a 'mission trip' for a Christian because we are called to share the Gospel ALL of the time."

It's been one crazy week. May I not just be a hearer of the Word, but a doer as well.

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