Thursday, January 17, 2008

The last word

This is my last entry about our wonderful vacation.
Afterall, it is Wednesday and I cannot live in the past!

This the ATLANTIS. Located on Nassau - Paradise Island side, this is the most lush and impressive place I've ever been to! It's a hotel/casino/aquarium/tourist mecca/vacation spot of the rich and famous.

There isn't a corner of the exterior or the interior that is not plush and elaborate. We're talking marble and gold everything. Really, look it up on the internet. It's AMAZING!

Surprisingly, they welcome tourists (non-paying guests of the hotel) even in our flip flops with Carnival towels draped over our shoulders! We walked through 3 of the 5 buildings that make up the hotel wandering in and out of shops, lobby areas and ball rooms.

There are shops in this massive hotel
that are crazy expensive and a mile of tiled
and carpeted hallways to walk through and gape at.

We opted against going on the tour of the in house aquarium. This is just one little view into an aquarium that stretches across the back of one of the main lobbies! There are hundreds of fish of all kinds and life size fish bowl accessories!

This picture is of the OTHER side of Nassau. The Straw Market is a must-do for tourists. The venders love to negotiate...they call you "darling" and "beautiful" and try to get you to buy their bags, necklaces, beach towels, t-shirts, etc. There are about 8 aisles of the same merchandise offered by about 150 venders. We bought our souvenirs from the lovely island ladies...they were all very gracious and kind.
Here is a sunset view of the CELEBRATION.

This is the parting shot as we left our room and rolled our suitcases down the hallway and off the Celebration. Thank you Richard for being an adventurer every day of the year and letting me be when I can! I loved every minute of being with you- and only you for the entire week!

A HUGE thanks to Grandma and Grandpa, Mimi and Gramps who held the house together here while we were gone. It's not easy getting my 4 kids to school at 3 different times in the morning and getting kids on bus to go to basketball games with a meal on the go! We are grateful to you ESPECIALLY for taking care of my dryer (over the top Gma and Gpa) and for making Ryan's birthday a HIT (cookout, homemade ice cream, personalized cake, WOW) ! We love you.


Maranda said...

Great pic of you and Richard! Ok, the picture thing on my blog is still not working...I've tried copying and pasting like you suggested but no luck. I'm about to pull my hair out trying to figure it out!

Ashley said...


Have Jennifer give you my email address and I'll see if I can help you with your pictures.


Thank you SO much for posting all of the wonderful stories and pictures! I enjoyed every bit of it!

Maranda said...

Thanks, Ashley! I finally googled the correct phrase and figured it out late last night.