I'm a big believer that SAHMs need to have some sort of creative outlet. Since laundry, food prep and house cleaning will never be "caught up" it's good to have something to be able to see to completion! I personally have lots of ideas, but few come to fruition. That's OK because I really don't have a budget for ideas!
Recently I did purchase some WM scrapbook paper and made these cute clip boards. The clip boards are 97 cents at WM and no kidding, the next weekend I found 6 new ones at a garage sale for 25 cents! This was all the funding help I needed to continue!
Erin and I went to the scrapbook store and she chose some paper for a personalized one for herself. The pink and brown clip board was a gift for one of her friends!

This is Erin's board! (duh) She has gone by the nickname "E" for many years and there aren't that many "E"s around! It helped that it's an easy letter to cut out too!
In other family news, Erin set up an office for Sheridan in her room yesterday. Erin was the receptionist! Richard came and was meeting Sheridan at their grand opening in the second picture.
I LOVE it when my kids are creative! Erin set up Sheridan's "laptop" on her karaoke machine and put their white board behind her for notes! E used her cell phone to announce visitors to Sheridan! That was so funny! Sheridan couldn't help but giggle when we visited her office because she was having so much fun.

1 comment:
What fun! I am so impressed! I completely agree with you about the creative outlet---so important for everyone! I love the pictures of the Sheridan's office! Reminds me of Al and me playing school. He was the principal. :)
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