Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Women of Joy

My weekend was great! I was challenged and yet refreshed by the speakers and my time spent with old and new friends. All of the speakers were excellent.


Friday night: Pricilla Shrier's message: referring to John 1:14..."And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us..." God not only has a glorious eternity in heaven for us but He wants to be intimately involved in the details of our life. He wants to be FLESH to me and this is the God who divided the Red Sea and raised Lazarus from the dead!

Saturday morning: Liz Curtis Higgs was hilarious. She is a gifted writer and I have read almost all of her fiction novels. I am currently reading her series set in Scotland which is based on the story of Jacob, Leah and Rebekah in the Bible. She told me I was made to be LOVED BY HIM, to LOVE HIM, and to LOVE OTHERS.

Saturday morning: Kay Arthur, 74 years old! Praying on her face as she began. The woman has passion. She was so challenging. She believes the greatest war for people is in the mind. She was more than conviced and convincing that I MUST KNOW THE WORD, AND I MUST USE THE WORD. Gracious, it all comes down to belief and I must know what He has written for me to know so I can act on His TRUTH! Am I willing?

OK, and I was most challenged by her word to not answer the door (of my mind) when the devil knocked. She said he will grow weary and leave if I ignore him. The Philippians4:8 TEST: Is it true? noble? right? pure? lovely? admirable? excellent? praiseworthy?

Saturday evening: Jeremy Camp concert! Lauren has one of his CDs and I tried to listen to it before I left. Honestly, it's a little rockin' for me. I was surprised they invited him to a women's conference. I'd say only about 20% of the audience is under 25...anyway, I was wrong. He has such a great quality of voice and he gave a very precious testimony about losing a wife to cancer. His heart comes out in his songs and when I returned I listened to the CD with new ears.

Sunday morning: I was especially wanting to hear Karen Kingsbury. She is one of my favorite authors. I have read many of her books and the story lines are so precious and compelling! (I'll admit, I had a moment of star gazing. I was just standing there, looking at her, thinking she was taller than I thought. And then I almost purchased a book I already own for her to autograph, and then I wondered why I would do that. I'm still pondering that question now.)

Anyway, you never know if an author is also a good speaker...she was! She told me my life is my story and that life should be abundant, vibrant and living! She warned me to not be so busy that I miss what God has for me. (Point taken)

ALSO: Life happens between Sundays: "Let your life shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16) A vibrant life puts priority on the people God puts in our way. I am to let God heal my hearts of the hurts of the past. This was a word from Him to me. I am so thankful.


Ashley said...

I loved reading your thoughts from the weekend. It sounds like it was wonderful! By the way, how did you put those pictures on there?

MomsTheWord said...

I copied the pics from google images to a "my documents" file and then downloaded them from there to my blog.

This time next week we'll be at the beach!