Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas with family

Ryan gave Sheridan his Game Boy...He got a BIG hug!

My kids aren't so small anymore!

It was a shoe kind of Christmas...Lauren got Vans...Erin got polka dot boots... Ryan got heavy duty boots...

Sheridan opened a box of dress up clothes and started trying them on!
Christmas Eve in Conway....

At the Riner's house I got them to stop playing long enough to take a picture!

Rhea Lana and I were dueling with the cameras!

Rhea Lana & Richard...

ALL the big cousins and our Happy Birthday Jesus Cookie!

Sheridan got a big hug from Gramps (or is the other way around) when he opened his gift from her!

Ryan is trying out the Heisman pose in his new Tebow jersey! He was actually laughing too hard to get it just right! Keep practicing!

I LOVE IT that all the cousins laugh so much when they're together!

Erin (11), Ben (17), Lauren (13), Bekah (18), Sheridan (5), Ryan (14), Leah (15)

We were missing the Shaver family! and the other little cousins!

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