This is BY FAR the favorite thing I made in 2009:
This book is one of my most favorite possessions! It's one full year of my blog! I love that I wrote these entries and now have them in a hard covered book for us to look at and remember our year.
I started my blog two years ago because one of my sister-in-laws had started one. She did it because one of her friends had a blog and had published it at the end of the year in a nice book. Sounded good to me! I wasn't sure how I was going to accomplish this until I learned that there was a web site that could SLURP my blog into a book format and I checked them out!
The company's name is BLURB, INC and they specialize in downloading (slurping, I love that word!) blogs and such into books! You can lay it out or they can do it for you. You can choose what size and cover you want. You can choose all the colors you want, borders for the pictures, ornaments on the's actually fun if you like that kind of thing!
I published a 168 page book for $60 and that included shipping! Seriously, I'm psyched! This was my Christmas present last year...but it took me awhile to lay it out because I wanted to do it myself. I re-read every entry, made some adjustments and placed all my pictures like I wanted to. After I ordered it took only 7 days to get to me!
I chose this dust jacket hard cover book and got to choose which pictures would be on the front, back and inside flaps.
This year I downloaded entries throughout the year so I wouldn't have to do it all at one time. As soon as I catch up my Christmas entries I'll be done and can order the actual book.
For other projects by bloggers check out TipJunkie!
For other projects by bloggers check out TipJunkie!
I've seen this one other place on a blog I follow, although I'm not sure if it's the same exact thing from the same exact place. I always wondered about printing mine out so I didn't lose it and to keep a record of everything. I'm so going to do this. Thanks for the link!
That is the coolest thing! I love it! Great for really remembering things too.
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