Thursday, January 7, 2010

7 weeks

There are 7 weeks until my next consignment event! I have been sitting at the computer for most of the day since January 1st answering e-mails from moms and friends, ordering my print materials, and updating my web site. It's good for me to be busy.

7 weeks goes by is the distance from the week before Thanksgiving to New Years. I know that because I thought I'd do an intensely focused and self controlled diet for 7 weeks and start the new year more comfortable in my clothes. God was with my weak flesh and I was fabulously self-controlled until two days before Christmas.

My flesh was King James would say, and it wasn't a good thing! I am unhappy with myself today as I haven't gotten back into the less is better mindset. As in, the less I weigh, the better I feel. The less I eat, the better I feel. The less I eat, the better I look...gotta love January.


Daniel Vidal said...


I linked your interesting blog to mine in reason of the great name of your blog and the celebration, today, of the 'official' Bubble Bath Day.

Regards from Barcelona,


MomsTheWord said...

OK, so I just linked over to the blog Mr Vidal mentioned in his comment. It is apparently in Spanish but I could figure out that he did indeed link me to it and apparently today is OFFICIALLY BUBBLE BATH DAY!