Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It's one of the busiest times of the year for me. My brain is filled with details of two events in two separate towns/states. I am answering many emails each day about the business and planning for these seasonal events now. However, this year, the business isn't all that is taking up time in my brain.

It's time to get down to the details on the adoption process for our family. Out of necessity we have been working on things like space, paperwork, training and home studies. You can't adopt without these things. Space is a huge issue for us and so we have finally had to start openly discussing if we were going to move to a larger home or build on here. It's hard! We love our house, but it's older. We love our neighborhood and my kids friends coming in and out the front door. However, to be able to handle the responsiblity of one (probably two) more children, we simply must have more space. Building onto an older home isn't going to be the best thing for us.

So, as if moving doesn't start the conversation ball rolling...we must keep our focus on the details that are past the move. Like sharing our food, space and time with two permanant guests, and not even guests, family. All the pre-planning is like planning a big detailed wedding and giving no thought to the marriage. It's done all the time.

When this is final, we're in it forever, so we've got to keep our heads and our hearts focused.

So, why? Why adopt? MY answers:

1) Everything we have is the Lord's.

2) The character of God confirms that He would love children who needed to be loved. And so should we.

3) God has never said, "get comfortable and sit." He uses words like "stand firm," "be on your guard," and "love others."

4) "Religion that our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

5) Giving is standing firm against the god of our age: selfishness.

6) Giving is an act of faith.

7) Giving is a statement of His Lordship in our lives. Our faith in Him can't help but help us grow.

8) God has blessed our family with so much, and there are children who need to experience the unselfish love of God through us.

God has put this on my heart.

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