Monday, October 15, 2012

The Build

The last time we built onto our house we were desperate for space. Sheridan was about 6 months old with no room of her own. We had a small master bedroom made even smaller with her crib. She was a great sleeper, but we needed space. (not like third world NEED, just more comfortable American want)
This expansion has far greater implications. It means we will have additional space for additional family members. It will put parents on one side of the house and kids on the other. It pretty much assures us that we'll stay on the Lane for many years.
It's fun watching the construction but I always feel sorry for the neighbors when they start banging away around 7:30am. It's going to be fun looking forward to moving in this room in December and the changes our family will make in 2013. There are two little boys out there who need a forever family. We are that family.


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